I believe the gifts that God shares with us through children are innumerable. Yes, they can be a challenge, but it is sometimes in the most challenging times of my life as a parent, that I receive some of the most powerful lessons from God.
With summer now over and we are “back to the grind,” meetings have picked up at church, and that means that I am away a bit more in the evenings. Add this to the fact that my wife is back to work, kids are at school, and we are carting kids to and fro between band practices, lessons, and sports, and face time has diminished considerably, all in the short span of just a couple of weeks. I’ve noticed that the stress level has risen a bit more and time together has become an even more precious commodity.
I have teenage and pre-teen sons, so their desires for time with their father, though certainly not less important, is a bit less urgent, as compared to their soon to be 8 year old sister. Much of the male interaction takes place in conversation or responses to the latest Youtube video, Minecraft mod, or factoid learned from the History channel, beside the interactions that take place around the dinner and homework table, however my daughter just can’t settle for conversation. She’s more hands on, and
most nights needs time with her dad.
She used to wait until I got home and watch what I did to find out if I had a meeting, because if I have to return to work I simply sit, talk, eat, and go, but if I put my things up then head upstairs and change into my comfy clothes, I’m in for the night. Recently however, I walk in the door and she is the first one to speak. “Hi dad. Do you have a meeting tonight?”
Depending on the answer depends on how excited she will be at dinner, because if I do not have a meeting she will say to me, “Dad, can you play with me outside?” There are times when I am exhausted and don’t take her up on the invitation, but many nights I’m jumping on the trampoline, swinging on the swing, or sitting on the deck admiring the view, listening while she talks...and talks...and talks.
Multiple factors and layers are associated with this nightly response, but the most obvious is that she needs time with one she loves. She seeks to be close to her father, and because of that, she is assertive enough to ask the question, “Are you home? Will you play tonight?” She does this because she wants time to be in relationship. Actually, she needs time to be in relationship, and without that time, the relationship can become stagnant or even sour.
Growing up as a Preacher’s Kid, I understand her all too well, and one of my greatest fears is that my kids will feel like they did not connect with me as deeply because of night meetings and sharing myself with the church. I remember asking the same question to my father. I remember when he had to go back to work and the disappointment I felt, and I remember the times he smiled and said, “I’m home tonight.” And it was in the midst of that relationship that I was shaped and molded to become who I am today. Those times were, and are, important.
In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus comes across some men and invites them to follow Him. He says, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of people.” When I think about what God’s greatest passion
and the reason Jesus was sent to the earth, it is that God wanted/wants to reconcile everyone to be in relationship with God. God calls out time and time again to everyone, “Follow me, and I want to show you the coolest, most amazing and fulfilling thing, my way of life, and the very intention of my creating you.”
I think about this, and it’s as if Jesus said to those disciples, “Will you play with me?” Will you share the joy? Will you walk on the journey? Will you be in relationship with me, because if you will, it will be a blast, but to be in relationship means investment of time, love, and life.
Every day I hear my daughter ask questions that invite me to be in closer relationship with her, but every day God asks the same question to us inviting us to be in closer relationship with God. And quite honestly, it’s a question that we need to be asking each other whenever we can, “Will you play with me?” Because when we ask that question, it’s not just us asking it and building relationship with one another, but undergirding it all is God asking the question and building our relationships, and even transforming us through relationship, to be the people God dreams and hopes we will be.
Challenge: This week ask someone, “Will you play with me?” More importantly, ask God, “Will you play with ME?”
With summer now over and we are “back to the grind,” meetings have picked up at church, and that means that I am away a bit more in the evenings. Add this to the fact that my wife is back to work, kids are at school, and we are carting kids to and fro between band practices, lessons, and sports, and face time has diminished considerably, all in the short span of just a couple of weeks. I’ve noticed that the stress level has risen a bit more and time together has become an even more precious commodity.
I have teenage and pre-teen sons, so their desires for time with their father, though certainly not less important, is a bit less urgent, as compared to their soon to be 8 year old sister. Much of the male interaction takes place in conversation or responses to the latest Youtube video, Minecraft mod, or factoid learned from the History channel, beside the interactions that take place around the dinner and homework table, however my daughter just can’t settle for conversation. She’s more hands on, and

She used to wait until I got home and watch what I did to find out if I had a meeting, because if I have to return to work I simply sit, talk, eat, and go, but if I put my things up then head upstairs and change into my comfy clothes, I’m in for the night. Recently however, I walk in the door and she is the first one to speak. “Hi dad. Do you have a meeting tonight?”
Depending on the answer depends on how excited she will be at dinner, because if I do not have a meeting she will say to me, “Dad, can you play with me outside?” There are times when I am exhausted and don’t take her up on the invitation, but many nights I’m jumping on the trampoline, swinging on the swing, or sitting on the deck admiring the view, listening while she talks...and talks...and talks.
Multiple factors and layers are associated with this nightly response, but the most obvious is that she needs time with one she loves. She seeks to be close to her father, and because of that, she is assertive enough to ask the question, “Are you home? Will you play tonight?” She does this because she wants time to be in relationship. Actually, she needs time to be in relationship, and without that time, the relationship can become stagnant or even sour.
Growing up as a Preacher’s Kid, I understand her all too well, and one of my greatest fears is that my kids will feel like they did not connect with me as deeply because of night meetings and sharing myself with the church. I remember asking the same question to my father. I remember when he had to go back to work and the disappointment I felt, and I remember the times he smiled and said, “I’m home tonight.” And it was in the midst of that relationship that I was shaped and molded to become who I am today. Those times were, and are, important.
In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus comes across some men and invites them to follow Him. He says, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of people.” When I think about what God’s greatest passion

I think about this, and it’s as if Jesus said to those disciples, “Will you play with me?” Will you share the joy? Will you walk on the journey? Will you be in relationship with me, because if you will, it will be a blast, but to be in relationship means investment of time, love, and life.
Every day I hear my daughter ask questions that invite me to be in closer relationship with her, but every day God asks the same question to us inviting us to be in closer relationship with God. And quite honestly, it’s a question that we need to be asking each other whenever we can, “Will you play with me?” Because when we ask that question, it’s not just us asking it and building relationship with one another, but undergirding it all is God asking the question and building our relationships, and even transforming us through relationship, to be the people God dreams and hopes we will be.
Challenge: This week ask someone, “Will you play with me?” More importantly, ask God, “Will you play with ME?”
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